Annual Premium WordPress Care Plan



This plan is required if you have an e-commerce site or a booking site. Please contact us if you need recommendations on which plan is best for you

  • 60 Minutes of Support Development Time*
  • WordPress Core Updates
  • Theme Updates
  • Plugin Updates
  • Daily cloud Site Backups
  • Security Checks
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Collaboration/Support Tool
  • Backup Restoration Service
  • Weekly Detailed Report
  • Premium WordPress Hosting (Optional)
  • Complete Malware Removal (with optional hosting)
  • Staging Site
  • Priority Support
  • Ecommerce Support
  • Speed Optimization

*You will get 60 minutes of small job tasks included monthly depending on what plan you choose. A small job is a common website task including but not limited to content updates, small layout/design changes, adding photo gallery, etc. Small job minutes cannot rollover to the next month. Any overages in time will be billed at the PressRelief hourly rate.